Domestic abuse and harassment

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If you are the victim of abuse or feel threatened by violence please contact the police immediately. If you can't speak when the operator answers your call, then either tap the telephone to make a noise or dial 55 and your call will go straight through to the police.

What is domestic abuse?

We define domestic abuse as an actual or threatened act of harassment, assault or abuse (mental, physical or sexual) against any person living in the same property. Domestic abuse is a crime and will not be accepted. 

What is harassment?

We recognise that harassment may occur in a range of circumstances and, amongst other reasons, can be linked to someone’s (or a group’s) race, religion, sex, disability, sexuality or age.

Acts of harassment include:

  • Racist behaviour or language
  • Hate crimes
  • Actual or threatened violence
  • Abusive or insulting words or behaviour
  • Actual or threatened damage to another person’s home or possessions
  • Writing threatening, abusive or insulting graffiti
  • Behaviour that interferes with the peace, comfort or convenience of others.

To support and protect tenants experiencing domestic abuse or harassment, we will:

  • Provide a supportive environment to encourage you to report it
  • Give information and advice to help support victims
  • Take action against those responsible where possible
  • Provide a range of options to support victims
  • Work with relevant agencies if we cannot help
  • Always make sure tenants are safe and keep all information confidential
  • Respect the tenant’s choice.

If you cannot stay in the home due to domestic abuse, we will do all we can to help you find alternative accommodation and discuss your options with you.

You could also try:

  • Friends or relatives
  • The local authority housing department
  • Women’s Aid Refuges on FREEPHONE 0808 2000 247.

Read our domestic abuse policy 

How to report domestic abuse or harassment

Please call us on 0300 123 2250.

If you need help outside of our normal office hours, you should phone your local police who will be able to contact the emergency duty team of Social Services.

Alternatively, if you have concerns about a neighbour's wellbeing please contact us to talk to one of our Customer Service Advisors in confidence.

We have a domestic abuse and harassment clause in our tenancy agreements, and there are a number of ways we can take action against those who carry out harassment or domestic abuse.

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