Home Contents Insurance: Why do I need it?

When you move into a Hastoe home, we strongly recommend that you take out home contents insurance. This type of insurance covers your belongings in your home against fire, theft and other risks, such as accidental damage. If something happens to destroy or damage your possessions, it can cost a lot of money to replace these items. Having home contents insurance means that if damage does occur, you will be able to cover the cost of replacing these items. 

What is home contents insurance?

Home contents insurance covers you against loss, theft or damage to your personal and home possessions. It may also be possible to cover items that you take out of the home, on holiday, for example.

Contents insurance typically covers your own possessions and those of family members living with you.

You do not have to take out home contents insurance. However, it is a good idea to do so because if any of your contents are lost, stolen or damaged, you will have to pay to replace them.

What are the benefits of contents insurance?

If there is an insurable incident such as a fire or flood, Hastoe is only responsible for replacing the items that it owns (such as the kitchen appliances if they belong to Hastoe). There is no automatic right for you to recover against Hastoe. Hastoe would only consider compensating you for any loss that you might incur in circumstances where the event was caused by something that we did.

Having contents insurance means that you will be covered in the event of your belongings being lost or damaged by an insured incident. Not having contents insurance can leave you with the bill for replacing lost or damaged items, which can be very expensive.

How does contents insurance work?

Contents insurance typically covers your personal belongings against damage caused by fire, flooding, storms and theft. Please note that you do not have contents insurance as part of Hastoe’s buildings insurance policy for your property.

You may have the option to add cover for accidental loss or damage to your possessions. This usually comes at an additional cost but may be worth considering if you have children or pets. You will also typically have to pay extra to cover possessions that you take out of the home such as cameras or jewellery, or to cover a particularly valuable item.

Most policies carry an excess. This means that you will not be covered for the first few pounds of a claim. A typical excess may be between £50 and £100, but this is something that you should check when looking at a policy.

How can I get contents insurance

When you move in to a Hastoe property, we can signpost you to a provider but we cannot advise you. We suggest you compare a number of providers to ensure that you are getting the best deal and the appropriate level of cover for your circumstances. Hastoe does not receive any benefit from you taking out this insurance.

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