Give us feedback

Feedback from our customers is important in helping us to understand what works well and what may need to be improved. If you have received a service that you were particularly happy with, we'd love to hear from you so that we can thank and recognise our staff. We also know that sometimes things don't go right and when this happens we want to put them right as quickly as possible.

We value your opinion and treat all feedback as an opportunity to learn and improve.

Give a compliment

You can give a compliment:

By saying it in person to our staff

By contacting our customer services team

Via your MyHastoe account 

Get involved

Hearing our residents' views and experiences can help us to improve our communities and shape the services we offer. There are a number of different ways that you can share your feedback and make a difference to the way we work or to your local neighbourhood.

Find out more

Make a complaint

Before you make a complaint, please read our complaints policy to familiarise yourself with the process, such as what is and isn't a complaint, what information you need to include and how we will respond.

If you are ready to make a complaint, you can do so in a number of ways. Please read our complaints page for more information. 

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