High Easter, Essex
Type and tenure of homes
Schedule of works
Funders and development partners
Special features of interest
Number of homes: 4
- 4 for rent
All four homes are prioritised for people with a local connection to High Easter such as those working in the village, those with close family in the area, or those who previously lived there but had to move out because of a lack of affordable housing.
Work started on site: May 2021
Completed: April 2022
- Hastoe: £60,000
- Homes England: £374,000
Development partners
- Local authority: Uttlesford
- Architect: The Design Partnership
- Contractor: TJ Evers
- Employer’s Agent: The Design Partnership
This development was built on a previous greenfield site owned by the Jerram family.
The homes are named after Maurice Mounsdon who was shot down over the village in the Battle of Britain but survived.
All homes have been built to the Hastoe New-Build standard and have air source heat pumps.