Rand to carry out survey of homes

Customers may receive a call from Rand Associates on behalf of Hastoe.

Hastoe has commissioned Rand Associates to carry out a survey of the condition of Hastoe homes. These surveys will ensure we have up-to-date records of the age and condition of our properties to help us plan for future works which may be needed. The surveys will also help to highlight any immediate repairs that are required.

We have contacted over 2,000 customers whose property is due for a home survey to explain that Rand will contact them to set up an appointment. Rand may also visit your property if they are in the area and we ask that you give them access. However, if it’s not convenient you do not have to let them in. If you prefer, you can request that they make an appointment and come back at another time.

The surveyors will always carry ID and, if you are concerned about the legitimacy of anyone claiming to be from Hastoe, please call us on 0300 123 2250 to confirm. After checking the surveyor's ID, we ask that you allow the surveyors access to your home in order to complete the survey. The survey will consist of a visual survey of the internal and external areas of your home. 



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