Re-mortgaging & selling


You do not need Hastoe’s prior permission to re-mortgage your property but when the mortgage is completed your solicitor must notify us formally by serving a Notice of Mortgage.

Further advances

You also have to get Hastoe’s written consent to secure further loan on your home. Your building society should write to the Leasehold team, stating the amount of the proposed additional loan, the purpose for which it is required and the current valuation of the property. 

Selling your property

You do not need Hastoe’s consent to sell your property but we must be told about any changes in ownership. Your purchaser’s solicitor must notify us formally by serving a Notice of Assignment.

Information for solicitors

Prior to sale, your purchaser’s solicitor will ask for information about your home and lease. This normally includes details of current and previous service charges, a copy of the insurance schedule and information about the service charge account and Hastoe’s future maintenance plans. We are happy to provide this information when requested, but do charge a fee.

The service charge account ‘runs with the property’. This means that if your account is in credit when you sell, or if there is a credit adjustment following the sale, we do not re-credit the sum to you. The same applies if your account is in arrears when you sell.

Repayment of Right to buy discount

If you bought your property under the right to buy, please check with the Leasehold team to determine whether you will need to repay any discount.


Contact us

If you have any questions about your home or lease that are not covered in the guide to your lease please get in touch.


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