Our Board is comprised of 8 non-Executive Board members, including one Hastoe resident.
Members of the Board have ultimate accountability for how Hastoe is run, including setting overall strategy, approving financial plans, and monitoring strategic and operational performance.
They delegate some of their responsibilities to three committees, each of which comprises a smaller number of Board members. These are the Audit and Risk Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Nomination Committee. The Board delegates responsibility for Hastoe’s day-to-day management to the Chief Executive and their Executive Team.
Non-Executive Board members are remunerated for their services to Hastoe and further details can be found in our published financial statements.
Lindy Morgan (Chair)
Lindy Morgan joined Hastoe’s Board in March 2022 and was appointed Board Chair in May 2022.
She has over 30 years’ experience in housing and has held a range of executive and non-executive positions. She has also experienced homelessness and been a tenant of both a local authority and a housing association. Lindy has a deep commitment to community and customer engagement.
Lindy also has a wealth of experience in regeneration and new homes development. For 11 years, she was on the Board of Abri Housing Association; 4 years as vice chair and the last 3 years as chair.
Lindy lives in Somerset with her husband, dog and elderly mum who they care for.
Committee membership: Nomination Committee (Chair), Remuneration Committee.
Andrew Wiseman OBE (Deputy Chair)
Andrew lives in London, has been a Board member since November 2016, and was appointed as Hastoe's Deputy Chair in May 2022.
He is a solicitor who specialised in environmental and planning law, prior to becoming General Counsel and Corporate Secretary at a public body where he heads the legal, governance and operational risk teams. He has considerable experience advising housing associations, developers and local authorities. He has been appointed by the Minister of State to chair the Advisory Council of UK Export Finance (ECGD) and previously chaired DEFRA's Contaminated Land National Expert Panel.
Committee membership: Nomination Committee, Remuneration Committee (Chair).
John Bruton
John lives in Berkshire and has previously lived in rural Dorset. He was appointed to Hastoe's Board in May 2021.
John has worked in social housing since 1991. Before retiring in 2022 he was Executive Director of Finance at Stonewater, a housing association managing 33,000 homes for over 75,000 customers across a wide area of England. Prior to that he worked for a major audit firm.
Committee membership: Audit & Risk Committee (Chair).
Madeleine Forster
Madeleine lives in London and joined Hastoe’s Board in February 2024.
Having worked in social housing throughout her career, she has experience of leading both small and large housing associations as well as a local authority housing department and Arms’ Length Management Organisation.
Madeleine has a track record of working to drive up standards to meet the needs of residents, and ensuring that they are able to play a meaningful role in that improvement. She has joined Hastoe at a time when we are focused on improving service delivery and is keen to bring her experience to address the challenges we face.
As well as working as a Chief Executive and in other senior roles, Madeleine has 13 years’ experience as a Board Member and as Chair of a Housing Association. She is currently Chair of Nottingham City Homes.Committee membership: Audit & Risk Committee.
Ashley Horsey
Ashley lives in Surrey and joined Hastoe’s Board in September 2023.
He has a 35-year career in social housing and is Chief Executive of the housing and social justice charity Commonweal Housing. Ashley has set up new housing associations and was for 3 years Chief Executive of the campaigning charity the Empty Homes Agency. In addition to his executive roles, Ashley has over 20 years’ experience as a housing association Board member.
Ashley is one of our two Board Members with responsibility for complaints (MRC).
Omadevi Jani
Oma lives in Essex and was appointed to Hastoe's Board in May 2021.
She is Project Director at the Financial Reporting Council (FRC), within the Regulatory Standards Division. Her role entails working on projects relating to the issuing and maintenance of UK and Ireland accounting standards, influencing standard setting and financial reporting developments.
Prior to joining the FRC, Oma was Not-for-Profit (NfP) Technical Senior Manager and Head of NfP Technical at Grant Thornton UK LLP. Her experience at Grant Thornton spanned almost 15 years, which included leading on technical accounting, auditing and sector regulatory matters, with a strong focus on social housing, education, and charity sector clients.Oma qualified with the firm as a Chartered Accountant in 2012 and has held a number of external appointments, most notably as Vice Chair of the Housing Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) Working Party and a member of the ICAEW Social Housing Committee.
Oma is passionate about social housing and the communities they support.Committee membership: Audit & Risk Committee.
Jo Lavis
Jo lives in Leicestershire and was appointed to Hastoe's Board in May 2022.
Influenced by the changes in the village where she grew up, she has dedicated her working life to improving the supply of rural affordable housing in the UK.
A planner by profession, she has over 35 years’ experience in assisting governments, local authorities, housing associations and communities to put in place policy and practice that supports rural housing delivery.
Using her experience, knowledge and skills, Jo now works with a range of national groups to campaign for changes in national policy to improve and protect its supply.
In 2012 she helped set up the East Midlands Community Land Trust and was its vice chair until 2021. During the same period, she was vice-chair of the National Community Land Trust Network.
Committee membership: Remuneration Committee, Nomination Committee.
Julie Pearce-Martin (resident)
Julie lives in East Sussex. She became a Hastoe resident in 2018 and was appointed to Hastoe's Board in June 2019.
She has had a varied career in journalism, the NHS and education sector. She is particularly interested in the provision of rural housing for local people.
Julie is one of our two Board Members with responsibility for complaints (MRC).