Martlesham, Suffolk

47 new homes

Type and tenure of homes

Number of homes:  47

For social rent:

  • 2 x 1-bed bungalows
  • 4 x 1-bed houses
  • 12 x 2-bed houses
  • 6 x 3-bed houses

For shared ownership:

  • 4 x 2-bed bungalows
  • 13 x 2-bed houses
  • 6 x 3-bed houses

Schedule of works 

Started on site: October 2023

Expected completion: Spring/Summer 2025


Hastoe funding: £9,635,768

Homes England Grant: £3,534,000

Total cost: £13,169,770

Development partners

Special features of interest 

The scheme is providing a car park for the school and a small play area. The north-east area of the site has potential for a further phase of development in the future.

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