Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey results for 2023-24

Hastoe commissioned Tlf Research to carry out an independent survey between 23 October and 18 November 2023 to measure tenant satisfaction. Tlf Research interviewed 543 tenants by phone out of a total tenant population of 4,152; completing 529 surveys in full and partially completing the other 14. Tenants were chosen at random and weighting was not necessary given the achieved sample size was representative of the total tenant population. No incentives were used.

What are Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs)?

The TSMs are made up of 12 satisfaction measures and 10 performance measures, set out by the Regulator of Social Housing. Every housing association with more than 1,000 homes is required to report their performance each year.

Why are they important?

The measures are aimed at helping improve standards for people living in social housing, by:

  • Providing visibility by letting tenants see how well their landlord is doing, and enabling tenants to hold their landlords to account.
  • Giving the Regulator insight into which landlords might need to improve things for their tenants.

The survey showed that 58.9% of customers were satisfied over all. Customers aged 56 to 65 were the least satisfied, at 50.5%, and under 25s and over 65s were the most satisfied customers:

  • Under 25: 80%
  • Aged 26-35: 53%
  • Aged 36-45: 58.3%
  • Aged 46-55: 59.8%
  • Aged 56-65: 50.5%
  • Aged 66-75: 77.3%
  • Over 75: 70.4%

Satisfaction varied across property type, with those tenants living in flats and maisonettes being the least satisfied.

Around one third of participants (31.8%) had made a complaint and their overall satisfaction was much lower at 33.2% compared to those that had never complained 73.0%.

The results of the survey have shown that Hastoe needs to improve in a number of ways:

  • Provide a good repairs experience
  • Provide good complaint handling
  • Managing customer expectations better, i.e. keep customers informed and up to date and be realistic about service delivery timeframes.

Hastoe will be addressing these and other priorities, and has laid out a plan of action in its Business Strategy 2024-27.

TSM Measure

Overall %

Overall satisfaction


Satisfaction with repairs


Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair


Satisfaction that the home is well maintained


Satisfaction that the home is safe


Satisfaction that Hastoe listens to tenant views and acts upon them


Satisfaction that Hastoe keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them


Agreement that Hastoe treats tenants fairly and with respect


Satisfaction with Hastoe’s approach to handling complaints


Satisfaction that Hastoe keeps communal areas clean and well maintained


Satisfaction that Hastoe makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods


Satisfaction with Hastoe’s approach to handling antisocial behaviour


Find out more about TSMs and performance measures

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