Meet Resident Champion, Nina Raisbury

Explore what it's like to be a Resident Champion from Nina. Hear what she would say to someone considering the role.

I became Resident Champion in 2019, shortly after moving into my Hastoe home in December 2018. My Housing Officer suggested I became a Resident Champion after I raised a couple of communal issues to be sorted out and I agreed because I wanted to look out for others in my community. 

I like the social side of getting to know my neighbours and acting as another point of contact to Hastoe. Personally, it’s also really nice to build and have a good relationship with my Housing Officer. The £50 vouchers are a great incentive too! More importantly, things run more smoothly. For example, if something communal breaks, it can easily be left by residents unless the estate champion raises it. 

As Resident Champion, I have to be clear about when I am unable to sort out non-negotiable comments, such as fixed payments. Instead, I can pass on information to our Housing Offer about communal issues such as the condition of the bin store. This helps my neighbours out by keeping our estate in good condition.

If you're thinking of becoming a Resident Champion, I would say that as long as you’re happy to build up a relationship and liaise with your Housing Officer then it’s a no brainer. You get things fixed when they need doing and you get £50 of vouchers – they’re worth their weight in gold! The role helps to keep your estate in good condition and you get to help your neighbours out.


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