Bighton, Hampshire

Proposal for 7 new homes

Public consultation event 

We held a Public Consultation event on 19 September 2024 in Bighton. Our Development Team at Hastoe presented our proposed affordable housing layout along with our architect. They were able to answer any queries on the day. This page presents all the information from the in-person consultation.

Our proposal 

We are proposing 7 homes on the site: 6 of these will be affordable with a mix of affordable rent and shared ownership homes, with 1 plot retained by the landowner. The Homes will be prioritised for local people and based on an identified housing need.

We will be constructing the homes to our Hastoe New Build Standard. This is a fabric first approach going above the 2025 Building Regulation standards. More information on our new build standard can be found here.

The consultation on the 19 September 2024 was to discuss the proposed scheme and to consult with the community on our site so we can take this into account as we progress the development into a Planning Application. 

Please look out for the October Big Gun magazine, which will include a feedback form for you to have your say.


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